Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Racial Profiling and Double Standard

I feel that racial profiling is still a problem. It has been my experience that people are inherently kind to one another. However; when they are put into an unknown situation they don't know how to react. I believe that it is at that point, people draw upon what they are told and have learned rather than what they have experienced. This is where the racial profiling is revealed.

Evidence: True story .
The story is about a woman born in the United States from American born parents. Her family is of Spanish decent, which means she is a mixture of backgrounds.
One day she had to go to a doctors office in another state. When she arrived, the  doctor ask her where she worked. She told him at a doctor's office. He then ask if she were the secretary? Her reply was that she was a doctor herself. The doctor;s face grew pale. The doctor obviously did not feel that an Hispanic could be a physician. A qualified person is a qualified person regardless of their race.

Double Standard

I agree that there are still double standards.If a man and a woman have the same job, they should get the same pay. It is not fair that men get paid more. I am a man but I really don't think that it is fair.
Maybe men can lift things by brute force more than women, but women are smart enough to get the job done by using their brains instead of brawn.

Evidence True story (cheating)

A man cheater and a woman cheater is the scenario.

A female cheater is called a SLUT.
If a guy cheats, he's just an ASSHOLE or JERK.

The woman is deemed as having a problem with sexuality, whereas the man just has a personality flaw.

Why not say that the guy is a SLUT and an ASSHOLE and so is the woman. Both sexes are the same.

Racial profiling may stem from one's upbringing or perhaps some incident the scarred that person for life.
Double standards though is a matter of preference. Both parties whether man or woman should be treated the same. No matter what the situation.